Snacks and Beverages
We are committed to providing healthy snacks and beverages for the children. Snacks will include fruits, vegetables, or whole grain products. With the exception of the rare, special occasion, junk foods will not be served. Parents are asked to refrain from sending such foods as sweets, candies, or gum with their children} lunch.
Age grouping and group size
Little Sprouts Family daycare is designed and licensed to care for a maximum of 7 children. We provide care for children that are 2 years and up. To enhance the quality of the care we provide, we have limited the number of children in each age group and are following strict guidelines to maintain the staff (myself and a substitute caregiver) / child ratios as set out by the licensing board.
Emergencies / Fire Drills ?
Emergency telephone numbers and our emergency evacuation plans are posted at each telephone and exit in the Centre. Parents are requested to review these plans. At least once a month the children and staff (myself and substitutes) will practice these fire, emergency, and severe weather evacuation plans. The smoke detector will be activated so the children become aware of the type of sound it makes; it also enables the us to walk through proper emergency procedures so they will not freeze up when, or if, a real situation should arise.
Please let us know if you think this procedure will be traumatic for your child. We can make other arrangements or arrangements for you to be with your child to help them through this experience with as little stress as possible. -
Accident / Illness ?
In the event of a serious accident or illness, the parent will be contacted immediately. If the parent is not available we will notify the emergency contact person. Parents MUST fill out a CHILD MEDICAL REPORT and an EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE PERMISSION FORM, which will allow Little Sprouts Day Care to seek emergency aid for your child.
If your child receives a minor cut or bruise at Little Sprouts, they will be tended to by First Aid Certified personnel. A report of such accidents will be filled out by staff member in attendance, and one copy of the report will go to the parent and one copy will be placed in the injured child's file. -
Illness ?
We are under very strict guidelines with regards to disease control, hence there may be times when we are either forced to send an ill child home, or not to accept an ill child into our care. For this reason, it is advisable to have alternate emergency care lined-up. If a child becomes ill at Little Sprouts, we will do everything we can to make the child as comfortable as possible until the parents or emergency contact person arrives. In this case, the child will be isolated from the other children.
Parents will be notified and required to pick up the child immediately if a child exhibits any of the following symptoms.Fever of 101 F (38.3 C) Persistent diarrhea
Severe coughing
Difficult or rapid breathing Conjunctivitis
Unusual spots or rashes
Yellowish colour or tint to the eyes or skin (jaundice)
Difficulty in swallowing
Any other symptoms which, in the opinion of the caregiver, indicate the possible presence of a contagious disease such as chicken pox, measles, impetigo, etc.
Parents will be notified of contagious diseases affecting the children at Little Sprouts Day Care.
A child with a communicable disease will NOT be readmitted into care until the period of contamination has passed or until the child has fully recovered from his or her illness.
Parents of all children in care are required to complete and submit to the caregiver a child medical report. -
Medication ?
Medication can only be supplied by the parent or guardian of the child along with written instructions and the parents or guardians signature indicating permission for the day care operator to administer the noted medication. Medication must be in the original container and clearly labelled with:
Child's Name
Name of Medication
The Dosage
The Date of Purchase
Instructions for storage and Administration of the Drug -
Releasing of a Child ?
Unless we are instructed in writing to do otherwise, Little Sprouts Day Care will only release a child to the following persons:
1. the child's parent(s)
2. the child's custodial parent (when applicable)
3. the emergency contact person
4. any other guardian to whom the parent, by way of a written authorization, allows us to release the child.
We reserve the right to keep a child at the centre if we are not completely certain about a person who has come for pick-up. The parents will be contacted immediately if this happens.